Insights and Knowledge Center.

We recently had the pleasure of filming a video with University of Pau (UPPA) in the beautiful south of France. The DMEX Centre for X-ray Imaging at UPPA is our first customer to install a TESCAN UniTOM XL with the new Spectral CT option! As can be read...

Having over a decade-long hands-on experience with micro-CT, scanned hundreds of samples and being amazed by new findings of their internal structure, one thing always came back as a question: What is the chemical composition of the features I see in 3D...

In this blog series, dr. Wesley De Boever, micro-CT product marketing manager at TESCAN introduces the fundamental principles of micro-CT. In today’s blog post, we consider temporal resolution.

In this blog series, dr. Wesley De Boever, micro-CT product marketing manager at TESCAN introduces the fundamental principles of micro-CT. And there is no better topic to kick off this blog series than spatial resolution.

Spatial resolution refers to...

TESCAN, with a rich history spanning 30 years, has been a pioneer in the SEM and FIB-SEM market. The expansion into Micro CT technology was supported by the strategic acquisition of XRE in 2018, a dynamic spin-off from the University of Ghent’s Center...

Learn the basics of microCT and dynamic image capture for dynamic process views in the laboratory.