1 min read

TESCAN spectral CT for soil science: Contaminant identification in an undisturbed sample.

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 10.33.12Spectral CT can be applied for detailed analysis of soil samples to identify both the components of the soil as contaminants present in the subsurface. The example below shows how high-quality conventional micro-CT provides a very detailed view of the soil’s structure, including grain size and porosity. This 3D dataset can be used to create a digital model of the sample, enabling researchers to investigate liquid flow or root growth inside through soil. On the right side, the unique capabilities of spectral CT to perform elemental analysis are highlighted, showing how spectral CT identifies lead particles inside the soil sample. All analysis shown is done non-destructively on a randomly sampled piece of soil in a plastic container.

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Want to learn more on how Spectral CT can be used for soil sciences and other fields in geoscience? Register now for our upcoming webinar!


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Visit info.tescan.com/micro-CT for more info on TESCAN micro-CT or info.tescan.com/tescan-spectral-CT for more information on TESCAN spectral CT.